Isaiah 5

Isaiah 5 7

Because of the importance of Israel and its people, and my personal love for The Land, I’m inviting you to join me through the key Old Testament book of Isaiah. Each day I’m posting some simple thoughts about this complex prophet.

There is a sad day coming, and some might ask if it’s not already here?

Isaiah opens this chapter with a hope that God has for His people. He has created a vineyard and tended it with care. “I had hoped for honesty and justice, but dishonesty and cries for mercy were all I found.” (v. 17 CEV). All God asks is that we, His children, live holy lives. Because He is holy. Yes, that might be a tall order, but can’t we at least try?

Some have said that we live in a time right now when “evil is called good and good is called evil.” This is right out of this chapter!

“Doom to you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness in place of light and light in place of darkness… doom to you who think you are so smart.” (v 20-21 MSG).

Oh, we are doomed! Walk down the streets of any city, read the daily news, this IS an evil, vile generation. May our prayer be “Forgive us, Lord! Bring conviction on us, God. Bring peace. Bring your children, your people, all of us, to repentance!”

Isaiah continues: “They make sure their banquets are well-furnished… but they’ll have nothing to do with the work of God. Pay no mind to what He is doing.” (v 15 MSG).

We must find a way to turn this world around! It will only be by God’s care and grace! Or else: “Every light in the sky will be blacked out by the clouds.” (v 30 MSG).

Isaiah is shouting a warning siren that has fallen on deaf ears. Even today. This is very sad.

There is hope! We can be saved. But we must first admit that God is holy and we are not. Can we do that? Can we live justly and honestly before God and man?

(c) 2020. Rich Ronald.

2 thoughts on “Isaiah 5

  1. Yep. We can do that–with the help of the Holy Spirit and edifying Christian friends like you and Linda.
    Thanks for these.
    We’re not sure where we will be half the year yet, but we know it’s going to be a great year!

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